放下用英语怎么说?放下 put down熟悉掌握词汇量 无论是要学英语口语,还是要听懂英语听力,记单词是学习英语的基础,你要对英语单词有所记忆,才能够进行下一步的学习。所以记忆单词是必须的,就好像你学习中文的时候,也是记了大量的词组,那么,放下用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
放下某物的话是:put sth down。
放下感情的话直接说:遗忘 forget就好了。
lay down
put down
let go
Drop [raise] one's veil放下[掀起]面纱.
heedless of everyone's jesting remarks, Fang put down his glass and followed her方鸿渐顾不得人家说笑话,放下杯子跟出去。
"Starting from 0 m, place a 50 x 50 cm quadrat at intervals of 10 m along the transect. Within each quadrat frame, do the followings."由0米开始﹐每隔10米把一个50厘米x50厘米的样方放下一次,每次都重复以下步骤。
Surrender your arms, or we'll fire!放下武器,不然我们要开火了!
The helicopter lifted up the steel pylon,transported it to the site,and dropped it gently into place.直升飞机把高压电缆铁塔吊起,运至工地,然后轻轻放下使之就位。
put down
英 [put daun] 美 [pʊt daʊn]
Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence against you at a later date
He bought an investment property for$ 100,000 and put down$ 20,000
Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.
I know that I do put people down occasionally
[词典]drop; lay down; put down; dropt; let down;
He will not lay it down until it is finished.
假如是单纯的放下的话。可以说“lay...down,put down”这些都可以。
比如说:lay down your weapon,or I will shoot you.额。这个是缴枪不杀的意思。- -!
Put down the table infront you.额。不好意思,这个我是在有道上找的。我一时没想起啥子例句。这句话应该是发生在火车或者飞机上的。句意意思是:(需要用餐的旅客)请把小桌板放下来(放到你前面)。
但是假如你说的是“放手”的意思的话,比如说放下某个人,放下某段感情,放下那一段执着,或者有一种爱叫做放手。- -!。
这个时候的“放下”就应该是“let go,或者let sth./sb. go,或者move on”这些都可以的。
比如说:Tom and I don't belong together,maybe I should let him go.
还有个move on.意思就是“朝前看,放下”的意思。
You should move on.你该放下了(你该向前看了)。
[词典]drop; lay down; put down; dropt; let down;
He will not lay it down until it is finished.
以上就是放下用英语怎么说的全部内容,Results aside, my files indicate that the FBI had certainly not given up on catching me结果如何且放下不说,我那一摞子档案卷宗总能说明联邦调查局并没有放弃要将我逮捕归案。