独生子女用英语怎么说?the only child in one's family 都有 独生子女 的意思。具体的看上下文了。singleton 也可以,不过就是独生子的意思。例:过分溺爱独生子女的父母 Parents who dote on their only child.独生子女有时被宠坏了。那么,独生子女用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
独生子女: the only child
被父母宠坏:spoilt by parents
社会经验:social experience or life experience
比如写作文:Lily is the only child and spoilt by her parents which result in the lack of social experience.
lily 是独生子女,被父母宠坏了,这导致她缺乏社会经验。
独生子 : [ dú shēng zǐ ]
1. singleton
1. 他是独生子, 是父母的宠儿.
As an only child he was the idol of his parents.
2. 独生子女有时被宠坏了.
Only children are sometimes spoilt.
3. 过分溺爱独生子女的父母
Parents who dote on their only child.
4. 那笔钱留给了独生子。
The money fell to the only son.
only child
the only child in one's family都有 独生子女 的意思。具体的看上下文了。
singleton 也可以,不过就是独生子的意思。
Parents who dote on their only child.
Only children are sometimes spoilt.
In New China, parents must pin all of their hopes on one child, and classrooms, not fields, are the future.
only child(男女都可以)复数:only children
the only child in one's family都有 独生子女 的意思。不过多用only child.
singleton 也可以,不过就是独生子的意思。
Parents who dote on their only child.
Only children are sometimes spoilt.
In New China, parents must pin all of their hopes on one child, and classrooms, not fields, are the future.
独生子女:the single child
被父母宠着: be spoiled by parents
社会经验:social experience
以上就是独生子女用英语怎么说的全部内容,独生子女有很多说法:one-child/only-child/only-children,这里是复数可以用only-children 锻炼有很多种理解,training勉强说得过去吧,也找不到更好的解释了 你这个句子意思不完整,我就用状语从句表示。