
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-08-16



Dear teacher, I am sorry, I should not talk in class time. After this experience, I will not make the same mistake. Please forgive me my sins. I guarantee that I will well and lectures, and will not address the class.


好好学习,遵守校纪校规是我们每个学生应该做的,也是中华民族的优良传统美德,可是我作为当代的学生却没有好好的把它延续下来。就像很多中国青年都不知道有圣诞节,却隆重的去过圣诞节一样。我们都在无知中遗失了纪律,不明白自己的学习目的…… 花自飘零水自流,一次自习,吵闹沸腾,老师您几次忧愁,此愁难消在心头,为我们的无知,特向您检讨。 首先,造成考试没考好最直接的原因是我们自我约束力差了,作业完成以后,就觉得没事可做;间接原因是我们希望做点课业之外的事情,不免相互交流,说话声音无所顾忌之时,慢慢的自习课就沸腾了。当然,这不能成为考试没考好的理由。鲁迅先生说过……歌德也说……我们只有认真反思,寻找错误后面的深刻根源,认清问题的本质,才能给集体和自己一个交待,从而得以进步。 这次考试没考好辜负了伟大父母对我殷切希望,好浪费在校学习的时间,乃不孝,一罪也。又让老师您为此事殚精竭虑,伤心失望,此乃不仁,二罪也……在写此检讨之时,我深感自己的无知,后悔之极。 最后,麻烦老师及同学费时来检阅本人所做之检讨,交了这份检讨,我正处在老师对我的考验之中,……我现在彻底理解老师教育我们的苦口婆心……只要我们都有很好的约束能力、自主学习能力,在没有任何借口,任何理由可以为讲话开脱!我们只有认认真真思考人生有那么多事要做,那么多的担子要挑,就没有理由考试不考好了. 为了老师辛苦地花了平常所没有的,大量时间和大量耐性给我的教导,为了不再让老师和我丧失宝贵的时间,我依循老师写了这份检讨,检讨自己的错误,由于本人第一次写检讨且加脑袋愚钝,虽用整个午休时间和不让精神休憩外加眼酸……怀着沉重复杂的心情写这篇检讨,但还是写得不好,只怿自己才蔬学浅,不能更好的运用我们深厚的汉语言文化,敬请老师谅解。 为了感谢老师的淳淳教导,我在此保证如果有一次重来的机会放在我面前,我尽我之所能克制自己,绝不让老师失望。请老师谅解我这一次的错误吧!


introspection Reflection 跟汉语一样,但委婉些,I feel regretful 1.写这次我考的怎么样 2.错了那些题 3.我为什么会错 4.下次在遇上这样



today,I'm very sad,becouse I failed English exam.At first,I think I can pass the exam,but the result make me disappointed.So,I hope the teacher can believe me,I had better next time,please.


dear teater:

today, i harbored guilt and remorse to you to write this jiantao shu to extend to you my speech class a profound understanding of this bad behavior and no longer is the time in class gossip determination.
this is a very deep inspection, i have this for my mistakes to feel ashamed, i really should not have the time to speak in the early study hall, i should not be contrary to the provisions of the teachers, we as students should first complete listen to the words of the teacher , but i do not have very good attention to the teacher saying. i am sorry, i hope that teachers can forgive me wrong, i repent this really deep.
however, people always make mistakes, of course, i know that can not use this as an excuse, we still have to try to avoid such errors, he hopes teachers can believe that my heart repentance. "people have missed, rear window." my bad behavior and not to challenge the teacher's discipline. absolute errors, the teacher said was very right in saying that you want to make mistakes should not be in front of you to make mistakes, i am really very ashamed, how can such a.
i believe that this attitude of the teacher to see my also know that i am right that this incident has a profound attitude of repentance, i am so great importance to this event, hope that teachers can be forgiven for my mistakes, i can assure the teacher to ensure the future will certainly not will be in the early study hall, and any other class, said gossip.



