
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-05-17

语态英语怎么说? 。那么,语态英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。




1.一般现在时 the present tense
2.一般过去时 the past tense
3.一般将来时 the future tense
4.一般过去将来时 the past future tense
5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense
6.过去进行时 the past Continuous Tense
7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense
8.过去将来进行时 the past future continuous tense
9.现在完成时 the Present Perfect Tense
10.过去完成时 the Past Perfect Tense
11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense
12.过去将来完成时 the past future perfect tense
13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense
14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense
15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense
16.过去将来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense


語態就是指 句子的一個狀態,如simple past tense(翻譯成漢語是一般過去時),表示我說的這個句子是表示一個過去:如,i 8 dinner(我吃晚飯了),而在中文中,則一般用“了”字表示過去時,像是“他死了”(he's died)。中文也有語態的,只不過我們不去學習他(因為我們接觸母語的機會太多了,表達已成為一種本能的習慣,即口語都很好了)。而被動語態只是翻譯過來時這麼叫的,英語中稱它為passive voice,就是表述一個被動的句子。其基本句式架構(sentence structure)是verb be+past participle,即be動詞加上過去分詞,例如“他被殺了”,就是he was killed。 如有疑問,請再指教!


虚拟语气是一种谓语动词形式,表示说话人的某种假设、愿望、怀疑、猜测、建议等含义。 二、语法结构 1.if结构(非真实条件句——表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况) 与..事实相反 if从句 主句 过去 had done would* have done 现在 were/did would* do 将来 should do/were/were to do would* do 例句:if there hadn’t been much rain in spring, we would have had a good harvest now. [过去] if he smoked less, his cough might be well soon. [现在] if the lecturer should be late, you would have to make a speech first. [将来] 备注: (1)上表中’*’,would都可转换为should、could、might。 (2) 如果为时间错综句的话,左右两栏可互相搭配,排列组合。 例句: he would still be alive today if he hadn’t taken that drug. [与现在事实相反] [与过去事实相反] (3) if可转换为其他形式 例句:without your advice, our meeting wouldn’t have been so successfully. [过去] (=>可转换为:if there hadn’t been your advice, we …) your notes are almost illegible (难以辨认的). notes typed out would be a lot easier to read. [将来] (=> 可转换为:if the notes had been typed out, it would be a lot easier to read.) i should have gone to see dr. smith and he might have cured me of the disease.[过去] (=> 可转换为:if he have gone to see dr. smith, he ..) 2、wish结构 与..事实相反 过去 had done 现在 were/did 将来 would 备注:可转换为其他形式。 例句:he talks as if (好像) he had done all the work himself. [过去] i wish i were a bird. i wish he handn' done that. i wish i would be rich in the future.


语态语态,是英语语法的基础,在语法学中,语态是描述句子中动词和参与此动作之主语之间关系的一个术语。当主语是动作的发起者(或之一)时,称为主动语态;如果主语为动作之承受者,称为被动语态。 而在现代英语中,随着感情化的加深,语态在其中的作用越来越大,所以要学好英语,必须学好语态并不是空话。这是个深刻的问题,网址http://baike.baidu.com/view/84437.html?wtp=tt

以上就是语态英语怎么说的全部内容, .。
