摄影展用英语怎么说?摄影展英文Photography exhibition。摄影展是一种展示摄影作品的活动,通常由摄影师、摄影机构或摄影爱好者组织。摄影展的目的是为了让更多的人欣赏和了解摄影的艺术性、技术性和社会性,同时也是一种交流和学习的平台。那么,摄影展用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
其实那个exhibition是摄影展,若用photograph太通俗,photography exhibition与photograph exhibition相比,photography exhibition更学术化
"Hold a photo exhibition"
[词典]hold; conduct; run;
He will play concerts in Amsterdam and Paris.
Photography Show
It is very important to treat our environment well. We only have one Earth, at least we have not found any habitable planets elsewhere. Our environment is also very beautiful. Photography is a great way to inspire appreciation for our environment. The birds when they chirp, the butterflies when they land on flowers, the grass when they are decorated by shiny morning dew, all these are beautiful sights worth capturing. We have a display of a wide range of photography based artworks that instil in us awe and wonder for the gift that is nature. Hopefully our audience can be inspired by what they see and take action in their daily lives to protect the environment.
Photography Exhibition有搜索引擎其实自己搜索多好呢
中国国际影展,全称为中国国际摄影艺术展览,英文名China International Photographic Art Exhibition,简
photograph show
photograph exibition
photograph exibit
foto show
以上就是摄影展用英语怎么说的全部内容,Photography Exhibition 有搜索引擎其实自己搜索多好呢 怕搜索的翻译部队,特意找了个摄影展的看看 如:中国国际摄影艺术展 中国国际影展,全称为中国国际摄影艺术展览,英文名China International Photographic Art Exhibition。