
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-04-02





the ring two joins the new breed of "who-dun-it" mysteries... "who-dun-it first". for example: creepy kids... who-dun-it first? how bout the sixth sense, the shining, the omen and the exorcist... a desperate ghost hoping to manifest itself into physical form? just watch child's play and, oh yeah, ghostbusters ii (veego's even creepier than samara at times). there's even a taste of jurassic park believe it or not. but most of all who-dun-the-entire-movie first? of course its predecessor, the ring.
the ring two is of course the sequel to the ring. to refresh your memory the ring was genius. the creepy video tape. the mysterious deaths. the deep history of samara and her family. and of course the infamous phone call warning you that you will die in 7 days. the first ring movie was deep. the focus being on the video tape, which is much like the creepy chain letters you get in your e-mail, and the suspense of rachel (naomi watts) dying in 7 days. and finally you get your cheap thrills, which gore verbinski accomplished masterfully making the ring a new legend for our generation.
if the ring is deep, the ring two is a kiddie pool. with all the things that went on during the first ring movie, there was nothing left for the ring two to do but more cheap thrills in between borrowed gags from other thrillers and horror flicks. verbinski left the director's chair and passed it back to the director from the original ring series, ringu. this was proving to be the most anticipated thriller this year. i was real disappointed to find that the ring two simply shouldn't have been made.
the ring two is about samara who comes back and wants to be human again. who does she choose? conveniently the son of rachel from the first ring.
if you notice there's so much more to talk about concerning the ring but all it takes is a couple sentences to sum up everything in the ring two. that's because there's not a whole lot that goes on. in this movie, plot line wasn't as important as the cheap thrills. even with the mentality of wanting to be scared, the ring two doesn't deliver as well and leaves you thinking "ehh... that could've been done a lot better". the opening sequence, for example, could've been a moment in the movie that all moviegoers will remember just like in the first ring, but instead it was in short... stupid.
there's nothing new in the ring two. everything is either recycled from the first movie or reused from other movies. there are three types of movies: good movies, bad movies, and movies that should've never been made. the difference between a bad movie and one that shouldn't have been made is that the latter has a lot to live up to and has the pressure of satisfying the fans of the story, whether it be a sequel or an adaptation from another text. the ring two dangerously ruins the mystery behind the first movie which should've been left alone.
everyone should just watch the ring one, get scared, be happy, then burn every copy of the ring two. that should put samara away for good.
故事发生在第一集之后的6个月之后,瑞切尔·凯勒(纳奥米·沃茨 饰)在西雅图经过连番恐怖事件之后,希望逃离这段恐怖的记忆,为此她带着儿子艾丹(大卫·多夫曼 饰)远迁到宁静美丽的沿海城市,俄勒冈的艾斯特里亚,希望这里的风光能慢慢医治留在两个人心里的阴影。
瑞切尔在这里刚刚找到一份新工作:新闻记者马克思·洛克(西蒙·贝克 饰)的助手,在一桩新闻事件的调查中,瑞切尔在警察局档案室中发现了一个非常神秘的“x档案”,这是一个年轻女孩的离奇死亡案,案件至今未破,现场的证据只有一盘神秘的录影带。


black hole:
An area of space-time with a quantum singularity at its center. The singularity has a theoretically infinite mass, making it impossible for even light to escape. Around the singularity is an Event-Horizon. This is also known as the point of no return because it is the critical area that light can no longer escape from, and time itself comes to an end, or is at the same time ad-infinitum. Much work has been done on this subject by Stephen Hawking.



balance car


  • 一种自平衡车,该自平衡车由车轮及驾驶舱两大部分组成。
    This invention relates to self-balance car, which comprises wheel and driver chamber.
  • 天恒与叶烨举樽饮酒,吃完火锅后又带她玩电动平衡车,叶烨玩得开心忘记不快事,更称天恒为老友记一号。
    Heng ye and leaves for drinking bottles, and play with her electric car balance after Hot pot, leaf ye have fun forget one more day, that constant for Friends 1.

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    This paper firstly equipments, type and domestic development status of related. Then, from the design, the trunk of the institution after plate opening design aspects of the overall design of dump truck mounted system. The trunk of dump truck beam, plate open institution, after brace connection between the components and fender, brace and the trunk of the lateral plate is connected with the related test design.

