
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2023-12-24

圆明园用英语怎么说?是Old Summer Palace。圆明园是中国清代大型皇家园林,位于北京市海淀区,始建于1707年,由圆明园及其附园长春园和绮春园组成,也叫圆明三园,有“万园之园”之称。清帝每到盛夏就来此避暑、听政,故圆明园又称“夏宫”。那么,圆明园用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


真正的英文翻译是Circle Brilliant Garden

当然在平时也可以叫Yuanming Garden .Yuanmingyuan Palace 等等一类的


Yuanmingyuan Park, situated in the northwest of Beijing, is the most magnificent royal garden of Qing Dynasty in the Chinese history.


Yuanmingyuan Park was named by Emperor Kangxi."Yuanming" means round and brightness.


The implication of "Yuan" is moderate and the "Ming" means that the brightness can cover the whole nation.


Yuanmingyuan drew on the characteristics of Suzhou gardens and inherited the cream of Chinese ancient gardening.



the Summer Palace 颐和园

the Winter palace 圆明园

[Winter palace] 中国清代皇家御苑。在北京西郊颐和园东。原是1709年康熙赐予雍正的别墅,雍正即位后于1725年建为苑囿。乾隆时大加扩建。圆明园通常指圆明、长春、绮春三园。建在湖泊密布的平原上,占地320公顷,水面占35%。除圆明园前部中轴线上的正大光明殿和后面的九州、清宴两组建筑具有宫殿性质外,其余上百组大小建筑群都是分布在湖边岛上的园林建筑,其中后湖、福海景物最密集。三园于1860年被英法联军焚毁,现仅“西洋楼”存留断壁残垣

The Imperial Palace 故宫

the Forbidden City 紫禁城

Temple of Heaven 天坛


the Summer Palace颐和园

the Winter palace圆明园

The Imperial Palace 故宫

the Forbidden City 紫禁城

Temple of Heaven 天坛


Old Summer Palace

The Old Summer Palace, known in China as the Gardens of Perfect Clarity (Traditional Chinese: 圆明园; Simplified Chinese: 圆明园; Pinyin: Yuánmíng Yuán, referred to in many books as Yuan Ming Yuan), and originally called the Imperial Gardens (Simplified Chinese: 御园; Traditional Chinese: 御园; Pinyin: Yù Yuán), was a complex of palaces and gardens 8 km (5 miles) northwest of the walls of Beijing, built in the 18th and early 19th century, where the emperors of the Qing Dynasty resided and handled government affairs (the Forbidden City inside Beijing was used only for formal ceremonies).

以上就是圆明园用英语怎么说的全部内容,Yuanmingyuan Park, situated in the northwest of Beijing, is the most magnificent royal garden of Qing Dynasty in the Chinese history.圆明园位于北京西北部,是中国历史上最宏伟的清代皇家园林。
