企业文化用英语怎么说?企业文化 [词典]corporate culture; business culture [例句]1、In the enterprise development, it is important to apply to corporate culture innovative thinking.在企业发展中,企业文化对创新思维的运用具有重要的影响。那么,企业文化用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
As to an enterprise, the effective cooperation of the group will influence the destiny of the whole enterprise, enterprise's cultural construction makes the effective group, strengthen the cohesive force in enterprise , guarantee the magic weapon that enterprises develope continuously. With the development of times, the progress of science and technology, more enterprises begin to pay attention to the inside enterprise's cultural construction, and the invisible function that the corporate culture produce brings the extensive economic benefits and social benefit to enterprise. In a sense, the sound development and succeeding in running and doing without enterprise's cultural construction of modern enterprises.
Every estate management enterprise has it to manage the idea , the meaning is to pass strict , high-standard management and diligently thoughtful service, let customers enjoy the exquisite service , thus make the customer's life and work more excellently and have quality !
Pass the unity of such systems and culture consciousness, supplementing each other of the system and culture, make the infrastructure management company show one's own characteristic in numerous enterprises.
Keyword: Estate managementCorporate cultureCultural construction
[词典]corporate culture; business culture
1、Intheenterprisedevelopment,itisimportanttoapply tocorporatecultureinnovativethinking.
2、Despitethefactthatmanyorganizationsarenowtaking stepstoreorientthebusinessculturetopromotecreativity.
CI的意思是:企业文化识别;包括VI:企业形象识别 BI:企业活动识别 MI:企业理念识别。
企业形象识别企业形象识别,CI是英文Corporate Identity的缩写,是英文Corporate Identity System的缩写,意译为企业形象设计。CI是指企业有意识,有计划地将自己企业的各种特征向社会公众主动地展示与传播,使公众在市场环境中对某一个特定的企业有一个标准化的印象和认识,以便更好地识别并留下良好的印象。
二战后,国际经济复苏,企业经营者感到建立统一的识别,以及塑造独特经营观念的重要性。自1950年,欧美各大企业纷纷导入CI。1956年,美国国际商用计算机公司以公司文化和企业形象为出发点,突出表现制造尖端科技产品的精神,将公司的全称 “International Business Machines”设计为蓝色的富有品质感和时代感的造型“IBM”。
corporate philosophy. corporate culture也可以,philosophy比较native一点
corporate culture 企业文化
The Corporate Culture of City Commercial Banks Drop Behind