介绍兰州拉面的英语小短文50字?blanch the bleeding water, skim the floating powder and take it out for standby Then heat the pot with cold oil;兰州拉面作文300字15 早就听说了兰州拉面的大名,一路上我都口水直流,总算来到了兰州,偏偏那时已是深夜,想吃没吃成第二天,没吃成马上就要开始大环线旅程了,那么,介绍兰州拉面的英语小短文50字?一起来了解一下吧。
Lanzhou beef noodles was founded in Guangxu years, the Department of the elderly MA Bao-Hui son first, in the near century long years, to a bowl and renowned Jincheng to rotten meat, flour quality and fine reputation of Chinese and foreign, to enter the country. During crystallization of MA Bao-son and the subsequent numerous franchise beef noodle soup cooks wisdom and painstaking efforts. Today, because of delicious beef noodle soup delicious, affordable, not only abound in Lanzhou, and have been all over the Northwest provinces, there has been many places Lanzhou beef noodle shop. However, one out of Lanzhou beef noodles on , it is necessary to get the real authentic or in Lanzhou beef noodles. Visitors to the Maryland deserve a taste.
Lanzhou beef noodles about "one-ching, II white, three red, four green, five yellow", or beef-ching gas liquor color incense; radish pure white tablets; red chili oil floating; coriander, fresh green ; noodles are silky yellow permeability. Noodles according to thickness can be divided into the big wide, wide, thin, two small, capillary, leek leaves, bridge types, such as wheat spinulosa. Noodles by hand drawing the scene into a bowl of less than two minutes to do a good job, and then doused with good tune beef soup, white films, transferred on the red chili oil, green , coriander, food is the wow.
The first will cook, tomato, red turnip sliced, onion cut into sections, garlic clap broken spare;
Boil a pot of water, cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand, will remove extrusion press cook until no blood out. Drain and set aside,
A pot of salad oil and incense in hot ginger garlic. Add the flank and stir constantly, gradually add hot bean sauce, soy sauce, make the flank coloring, peppery appear;
in the pan, add stock with slightly overshadowedall the flank shall prevail, and cut tomatoes, red white radish, octagon, Onions, rock sugar, halogen bag add to the soup, fire boil sludge except bubble, turn a small fire boil until the flank soft lousy ruwei namely for hungshau nyourou soup,
Will boil, add beef noodle soup, add chopped green onion, water-boiled vegetables, sour pickled cabbage, beef noodles. Serve.
The first will cook, tomato, red turnip sliced, onion cut into sections, garlic clap broken spareBoil a pot of water, cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand, will remove;写作思路将制作番茄牛肉面的用料介绍一下,接着将制作番茄牛肉面的过程详细的描述一下,语言要通顺连贯正文Clean the skin of beef, cut it into small pieces, then put it into the pot, and then put it;淮芋粉丝的爽滑千张丝黄豆的清香香菜沁人心脾的滋味牛肉的肉香汤汁醇厚的味道,都淋漓尽致地发挥出来了,几种味道叠加在一起,就是著名的淮南牛肉汤听了我的介绍,嘴馋了吗?那就赶快来淮南,品尝牛肉汤吧。
My Favorite Food Different people like different food Most children like ice cream,so do I The ice cream has a lot of taste, such as chocolate ice cream,strawberry ice cream ,milk ice cream and so;一碗热气腾腾的牛肉面上桌,我被笼罩在绕萦的热气中这热气,有着诱人的香味,夹杂着牛肉青菜白面和汤料的清香,这样的一碗面,就勾起了我的食欲面是由上好的小麦制成,滑而不腻,放进嘴里,每一根都那么饱满;4在锅中加入高汤,以略为盖过牛腩为准,并将蕃茄红白萝卜八角葱冰糖卤包加入汤中,大火煮开捞除泡沫,转小火煮至牛腩软烂入味即为红烧牛肉汤5将面条煮熟,倒入牛肉汤,加上葱花烫青菜酸菜,牛肉面;襄樊的牛肉面,不同于兰州的牛肉拉面兰州的牛肉拉面其实有着精工细做意味,面,拉得匀称,牛肉,片得够薄,黄澄澄的伽哩牛肉汤配上一小撮碧油油的香菜,有色,有香,有味,有着文绉绉的雅气它也不同于上海本地的牛肉面,上海。
typical food of my hometown
Lamian Noodles beef is a unique traditional cuisine in Lanzhou, China. This morning, my father and I went to taste this delicious food. This is my first time to eat beef Lamian Noodles!
Early in the morning, my father and I went to the store of "Lanzhou Lamian Noodles" with great interest. As soon as I entered the door, a fragrant smell came to my eyes, and my stomach that wasn't hungry became hungry. We ordered a bowl of Lamian Noodles and Huimian Noodles. Next to Uncle Lamian Noodles, who was busy, I saw that he first pulled down a dough, kept pulling it up, fell down and repeated it many times. Then pull off a short paragraph and pull it away with your fingers; Then fell skillfully several times; Finally, another short piece was smashed into a thick Huimian Noodles. When the noodles are ready, put them in boiling water, and look at Lamian Noodles coming out of the pot, my mouth is watering.
Lamian Noodles finally came out of the pot. My uncle put beef and eggs in my Lamian Noodles and coriander in my father's Huimian Noodles. I couldn't wait to eat it. When I put a chopstick in my mouth, a warm current came to my heart. I couldn't help admiring it: "It's so delicious!" A bowl of Lamian Noodles will be finished after three times five divided by two. Next time, I will bring my mother to try this delicious food!
After listening to my introduction, do you also feel hungry and want to eat such delicious Lamian Noodles?
typical food of my hometown英语作文示范如下
In the north, it is a custom for Chinese New Year to eat dumplings.In ninghai, Chinese New Year has the habit of eating tangbao. How to make tangbao?Granny told me that food shortages is Severe in ninghai long times ago, so people had to turnip with flour skin and boiled to eat, so call tangbao.Its approach like a steamed dumpling filled with minced meat and gravy.Today, NingHai tangbao instead of water, put them in the steamer steamed .It is delicious when we eat it stick wih some vinegar .In my hometown, eating tangbao means that the annual lunar New Year holiday will be over.And tomorrow we should start a New Year's work and life with a new mental outlook .I suddenly understand why I like eating tangbao so much, it not only delicious but also a strong homesickness .
以上就是介绍兰州拉面的英语小短文50字的全部内容,兰州拉面英文为:Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles,意思为:”兰州手拉面条“。兰州牛肉面红遍大江南北,堪称是全中国能见度最高的面条,并曾获中国烹饪协会评定为“三大中式快餐”之一,享有“中华第一面”的美誉。兰州牛肉面,常见的面食之一,也是兰州的传统名食。其起源于清嘉庆年间。