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  • 作文句子
  • 2024-06-21



With the development of the society. more and more people are falling in love with traveling. Not only can we enjoy the fantastic scenery during the journey, but also we have the chance to relax ourselves and be in good spirits.

Take myself for example. What left me the deepest impression is the journey that I took last summer holiday. After my passing final examinations of the semester, our family set off for Qingdao which is famous for its sea. This was the first time that I had seen real sea. Walking along the beach and listeming to the beautiful singing of the sea, I was fully attracted to the sea. Also, it is the treasure that I will always treasure in my life.

As far as I am concerned, traveling is such a good way for us to enjoy life and understand life.




BBC Learning English: 这是英国广播公司(BBC)提供的学习英语的官方网站,其中包含了许多英语学习资源,包括英语作文写作指导和范文等。

EnglishClub: 这是一个综合性的英语学习网站,提供了大量的学习资源和练习材料,包括英语作文指导、写作技巧和范文等。

FluentU: FluentU是一个提供英语学习视频和文章的平台,你可以通过观看英语视频和阅读文章来提高写作能力和语感。

British Council: 英国文化协会的官方网站提供了许多英语学习资源,包括英语写作指导和范文等。

ETS TOEFL Writing: 这是托福考试官方网站上的写作部分,提供了关于托福写作的指导、样题和评分标准等。

EssayPro: EssayPro是一个学术写作服务网站,提供了大量的英语作文范文和写作指导。你可以参考其中的范文来提高自己的写作水平。



a troublesome apartment

my apartment I have a great apartment ,it's very large and spacious inside.There are trees around the house and white wood fense sorrounding the yard,the yard is also very large,with green grass spread and flowers growing aroud,I always play on the grass.There are a commodious sitting room two living rooms and a dinning room in it,besides a bathroom for the whole family ,a study room for my father,a washroom in the apartment.I can watche TV in the sitting room and then do my homework in the study room,after finishing my home work I always play computer games in my room.sometimes we sing songs together in the sitting room,I am always the best singer.So it is my apartment,it's a gift for my family,we enjoy our lives in it.



When I was in Senior Grade 2, there was a girl whom I disliked. I do not know why I disliked her. She had always been friendly toward me, and had never done anything to cause me to feel the way I did about her. I was continually saying unpleasant things to her, making fun of her, and snubbing① her.

One day as I was going home from school, the girl caught up with me and said, “Miss Lin, our teacher, wants you to come back to the schoolhouse for a little while.” I didn't believe her. I just said, “Do you think that I would walk back to the schoolhouse just because you told me to? You probably are just telling me that for a joke.” I walked on down the street, leaving the girl standing alone.The next day when I got to school, Miss Lin asked me, “Why didn't you come back to the schoolhouse as I asked you to?” I said, “I didn't know you wanted me. “Miss Lin sent for the girl and asked her, “Did you tell Su Ming to come back?” The girl answered,“I'm sorry, Miss Lin, but I didn't tell her; I couldn't catch up with her.”

I was surprised. I suddenly realized how pretty she was. She had long black hair and blue dark eyes. Her even white teeth showed from her parted lips as she smiled at me. I felt I ought to be ashamed of myself and I found out all my faults in comparison with② her liberality③.


①snub [sn)b] v.冷落;怠慢

②in comparison [k m'p$ris n] with 与……比较

③liberality [?lib 'r$l ti] n.慷慨;心胸宽大;大方




It has been twenty more years since network was formally defined in 1995.


According to the rapid development of the network, time is not short.


Since the moment he started, many experts and scholars have warned traditional media.


Just as the radio wave was used, Mr. Max's prediction has failed. So far, the traditional media in the world has not disappeared, or even developed normally.

就和电波被运用马克斯先生的预言一样的失效了 ,目前为止全世界的传统媒介依然没有消失,甚至发展得还很正常。

以上就是英语作文网的全部内容,It has been twenty more years since network was formally defined in 1995.网络从1995年被正式定义至今已经有20几年。According to the rapid development of the network, time is not short.按照网络日新月异的发展速度来说时间也不算短。
