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尽最大的努力去做某事英语作文,尽最大努力 英语

  • 作文句子
  • 2024-06-16

尽最大的努力去做某事英语作文?最后,说出自己如何帮助她,可用上诸如try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力做某事,这样的表达来起句子,并表达对她的祝福。点评:对于应用文写作是高考常考的文体,把握好各个应用文的写作格式也是平时学习过程中必须注意的,同时平时学习时多进行作文模板的记忆,万能句型的积累,那么,尽最大的努力去做某事英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


Once upon a time, there was a famous race between a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit, known for its incredible speed, was confident of winning, while the tortoise was determined to prove that slow and steady could also succeed.

As the race began, the rabbit sprinted ahead, leaving the tortoise far behind. The rabbit was so confident in its speed that it decided to take a nap under a tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded along at its own slow pace, never losing sight of the finish line.

When the rabbit woke up, it was surprised to find the tortoise not too far away. Determined to catch up, the rabbit dashed forward with all its might. However, in its haste, the rabbit failed to notice a slippery patch on the ground and ended up sliding off the track.

As the tortoise steadily approached the finish line, the spectators cheered in amazement. Against all odds, the tortoise had overtaken the rabbit and was on the verge of winning the race. With each slow but steady step, the tortoise crossed the finish line, victorious.

This famous race teaches us valuable lessons. It reminds us that overconfidence and complacency can lead to failure, while determination and persistence can bring success. It emphasizes the importance of consistency and perseverance, regardless of our natural abilities or limitations.

Furthermore, the story teaches us not to judge others based solely on their appearances or initial disadvantages. The tortoise, despite being slow, demonstrated great perseverance and ultimately triumphed over the swift and overconfident rabbit.

In our own lives, we may encounter challenges and setbacks. The story of the rabbit and the tortoise encourages us to remain focused on our goals, even when faced with difficulties. It reminds us that every step forward, no matter how small, brings us closer to our desired destination.

So, let us learn from the famous rabbit-tortoise race. Let us embrace the tortoise's spirit of perseverance and determination, knowing that slow and steady progress can lead to great achievements.


尽自己最大的努力做某事,to后要加动词原形哦,例子 ,I will try my best to finish my homewok意思:.我会尽自己最大的 努力完成作业。



I have a good friend.His name is Li Lei.He is tall and thin with a pair of glasses.He is friendly and honest.He is good at PE and English.We often play basketball after school.

I love him very much.There is an unfetble thing whick happened o years ago.I was badly ill at school.It was him that took me to the hospital.He took care of me while I was injected.Later,he took me home.I thanked him very much.So he is one of my best friend now.

When I Meet a Difficulty

Everyone would meet a difficulty during his life,especially for a student.A student would have difficulty with his homework.For example,sometimes he can't work out a maths problem.In front of a difficulty,different students have different attitudes.Some will give up.To me,I will never give up.I will think it over and over,till I have solved it.Or I will turn to my teachers and clas *** ates for help.Fellow students,don't give up when you meet a difficulty.


My Friend Alice is my best friend, and she is my deskmate. She is very pretty, and she is taller than me. She is the one of good students in our class. The teachers like her very much. Because she studies very hard. She writes an diary everyday in order to improve her writing skills. She thinks that it's very important to take every opportunity to practise.In addition, she is friendly to clas *** ates. We also like her very much. (悬赏分再高点吧!我写得蛮辛苦的呢!而且写得很不错哦!)


both of us had a swimming class. We both like eating candies and going swimming. She always has high scores . On Friday.I can swim faster than her .We usually play tennis on Saturdays. We are in the same class.L.She likes reading books. We study in Q. She has *** all eyes and *** all nose. She always does homework more carefully than meMy friend and I I have a good friend. Lily is a hard working girl. We like doing sports, too. She is Lily. We often help each other.F. We like each other. We are happy in the class . Lily and I are good friends


在游戏过程中回车, 直接输入: food for thought

其他的power overwhelming =无敌 星际争霸秘籍

operation CWAL=快速建筑生产

show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯

the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限

game over man =立即游戏失败

noglues =敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive =任务无法完成

there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务

whats mine is mine =矿产无限

breathe deep =瓦斯无限

something for nothing =开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall =地图全开

medieval man =单位无限生产

modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾

food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人

ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)

Def. Matrix =方阵护盾

Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围

YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮

Cloaking field = 隐形(Air)

P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth)


Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴

Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)

Recall =唤回部队

Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力

Zerg: Infestation = 群袭

SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫

Dark Swarm =群集(掩护)

Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会 Consume = 把自军部队吸引

energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫



We all know that the rabbit lost the first race against the tortoise.After that the rabbit decided to have a second race.This time he didn’t sleep and won because he was good at running.However,the tortoise didn’t give up.He had a third race with the rabbit.There was a river on the way.The tortoise swam across it quickly and won.The story does not end here.In the last race they took turns to put each on the back and reached the finishing point together.

From the story I have learned that with teamwork all of us can achieve success.


Title: My friend has a problem

My friend Xiao Ming is a smart and optimistic person, but recently he has encountered some problems that have made him a bit depressed. These problems include, inter alia, stress in relation to study and family.

First of all, Xiao Ming encountered difficulties in his study. His grades have always been excellent, but his scores have slipped in recent examinations. He studies very hard, but he always seems unable to live up to his expectations. This made him start to doubt his own abilities and feel very frustrated.

Secondly, Xiaoming's family also brought him some pressure. His parents have high hopes for him to get into a good university. However, Xiaoming believes that his ability has yet to improve, worried that he can not meet his parents' expectations. He tried to communicate with his parents, but with little success.

To help my friends, I took the following steps:

1. Listen to: I listened patiently to Xiaoming's troubles and let him feel my concern and support. It helps him relieve the pressure inside.

2. Suggestion: I encourage Xiao Ming to adjust his learning methods and try some new learning techniques to improve his learning efficiency. At the same time, I suggested that he communicate with his teachers and classmates and seek their advice and help.

3. Family Communication: I suggest Xiaoming try to communicate more deeply with his parents and express his thoughts and feelings. I told him that my parents' expectations were understandable, but their ultimate goal was to make him happy and successful.

4. To relax: In order to help Xiaoming relieve his stress, I suggested that he take part in some extracurricular activities, such as playing basketball and drawing, so as to relax and adjust his mind.

After a period of hard work, Xiaoming's situation has improved. His academic performance is gradually picking up, and his communication with his parents has become more smooth. I'm happy for him and proud of our friendship.

以上就是尽最大的努力去做某事英语作文的全部内容,以下是三篇以《one thing i did successfully》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。 第一篇英语作文 写作思路: 本文将介绍一件我成功完成的事情,包括背景、过程和结果。通过这个例子,希望能够激励读者追求自己的目标。
