
  • 单词什么意思
  • 2024-05-27



[例句]I wanna be married to you. Do you wanna be married to me?


sona 在爱尔兰语里是幸福,快乐的意思,这还是比较切合歌词的,在夜晚的森林里,在秘密花园里,这就是一种幸福.


没具体意思 就是讲我们只是演奏乐器音乐为主
小提琴 和 钢琴 `````


Sona( 梭纳 )
歌手:secretgarden 专辑:Dawn of a new century(新世纪的黎明)
Ag breacadh an lae do chumar ag siúl aoibhneas an tsaoil amach
romhainn clocha draíochta chomh geal lenár súile casán ag
glioscarnach dúinn Suaimhneas na coillte is ceol inár gcroithe
macalla fuaim an tsrutháin duilleoga fómhar mar ghuth ar an ngaoth
sé nádúr is cúis lenár ngrá A`Taisteal sa choill seo ar fán is ar
fuaidreamh réalta geala eolais ag lonradh don rí A`Taisteal sa
choill seo ar fán is ar fuaidreamh clocha bána ag lasadh ár slí
Anois tá réalta a`rince sa spéir is an saol ina gholadh go sámh
aislingi áille i ngairdín mo rún brionglóidí thart orainn ar snámh
Súile síor lasta le solas súile faoi gheasa na rún taibhreamh ar
sheoda an ghairdín iontais nach sceithfear go buan A`Taisteal sa
choill seo ar fán is ar fuaidreamh réalta geala eolais ag louradh
don rí A`Taisteal sa choill seo ar fán is ar fuaidreamh clocha bána
ag lasadh ár slí
Sona (English translation)
The light of the sun sun took us strolling with the treasures of
the world lying ahead, Magic stones as bright as our eyes lighting
a path before us The peace of the woods was music to our hearts
echoing the sound of the streams, Autumn leaves - the voice on the
wind as nature is the source of our love Now the stones are dancing
in the sky while the world is quietly sleeping, Lovely visions in
the secret garden, of dreams floating all around us Travelling in
this forest like a lost soul Bright stars of knowledge shining for
the king Travelling in this forest like a lost soul Bright stones
lighting our way Eyes ever shining with light Eyes under a secret
spell Dreaming of the jewels in the garden of wonders that will
never be revealed


在英语中,由于语言的习惯,所以有很多约定俗成的表达,就口语词。例如,want to就常常会说成wanna,如果想要表示做某事的话,直接后面加动词原形就可以了。 因为want to do something。 例如 I wanna learn English well.我想要学好英语。记住,wanna是个口语词,只用在口语中,如果在平时写作中,不建议使用,因为会显得很不正式。

