我最喜欢的诗人李白英语作文?3. 【英语翻译李白的子夜吴歌(秋歌)翻译 李白 长安一片月,万户捣衣声.秋风吹不尽,总是玉关情.何日平胡虏,良人罢远征.注:子夜吴歌:六朝乐府吴声歌曲.《唐书·乐志》:“《子夜吴 歌》者,那么,我最喜欢的诗人李白英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。
Invitation To Wine
Li Bai
Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky,
Rushing into the sea and ne'er come back?
Do you not see the mirror bright in chamber high
Grieve o'er your snow-white hair that once was silken back?
When hopes are won, oh, drink your fill in high delight
And never leave your wine cup empty in moonlight!
Heaven has made us talents; we're not made in vain.
A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.
Kill a cow, cook a sheep and let us merry be,
And drink three hundred cupfuls of wine in high glee!
Dear friends of mine,
Cheer up, cheer up!
I invite you to wine.
Do not put down your cup!
I will sing you a song, please hear,
O hear! Lend me a willing ear!
What difference will rare and costly dishes make?
I want only to get drunk and ne'er to wake.
How many great men were forgotten through the ages?
Great drinkers are better known than sober sages.
The Prince of Poets* feasted in his palace at will,
Drank wine at ten thousand coins a cask and laughed his fill.
A host should not complain of money he is short;
To drink together we'd sell things of any sort.
The fur coat worth a thousand coins of gold
And flower-dappled horse may both be sold
To buy good wine that we may drown the woes age-old
Li Bai
Of the three great poets of the Tang dynasty, Li Bai (Li Po in older texts) is probably the one most familiar to western readers. He was born in 701 in Gang Xiao Sheng, a territory of China, and when five years old followed his merchant father to Sichuan. Of an independent and bohemian nature
Li Bai (ca 705 - 762), also called Li Po, is probably China's most famous poet. A great deal has been written about him. This commentary focuses on his connection to the qin. In this regard Ronald Egan writes (Controversy, p.53), "In the first centuries of the Tang dynasty, the poets Meng Haoran and Li Bo further promoted the cultivation of a special literati affiliation with this instrument."
Li Bai was a romantic poet in Chinese history.He was born in Tang dynasty.He had written a lot of poems and some of them were famous until now.Even children can recite his poems 字数有限,参考下
Yes, I can introduce Li Bai in English.
Li Bai (701-762 A.D.) was a Chinese poet renowned for his mastery of the Tang Dynasty poetic form. He is also known as Li Bo or Li Po, and his poems have been widely circulated throughout the world. In his life, he had traveled extensively, visiting many parts of China and even Central Asia. His poetry expresses his love for nature, his travels, and his sense of humor. His style is characterized by vivid imagery, rich emotions, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of the world. Today, he is still considered one of the greatest poets in Chinese history and is revered both in China and throughout the world.
李白 (701—762年),字太白,号青莲居士,唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人。其诗风雄奇豪放,想象丰富,语言流转自然,音律和谐多变。他善于从民歌、神话中汲取营养素材,构成其特有的瑰丽绚烂的色彩,是屈原以来积极浪漫主义诗歌的新高峰。与杜甫并称“李杜”。唐代还有一位诗人叫李贺,号“诗鬼”,和李白有的一比。两人统属浪漫主义风格,想象奇伟,用词夸张。但相比而言,李白诗多信笔挥撒,自然天成。李贺则多引用典章故事,刻意雕琢,用尽心机,可谓“呕心沥血”。从成就来看,二人不可同日而语。