你会滑冰吗英语怎么说? 那么,你会滑冰吗英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
can you speak English?——你能说英语吗?
can you ... ?—— 你能/会... ...?
can you speak English ? English 是英语的意思 需要大写开头 can you 就是 你能/你会? speak 是 说/讲 的意思
有些人会是说是 Do you speak English 或者 其他的 但是 都是一样的意思 只是表达的不一样
你会说英语吗:Can you speak in english?
我的英语不是很好:My english is not goodor my english is a little poor
Do you want to go skating with me?
I think you had better continue to do your work tomorrow
We used to write letters to each other before ,now we send massange to each other
Would you like to go skating with me ?
I advise you to continue to do you work tomorrow.
We used to write to each other but now we text each other.