
  • 单词什么意思
  • 2024-03-30

四年级上册英语第一单元测试卷?( )Mike: It’s near the door.二、Look,read and match.看看,读一读并连一连。(6分)1、beef 2、 window 3 、cake A、窗户 B、蛋糕 C、牛肉 三、Choose the best answer .选择正确答案。(15分)1、那么,四年级上册英语第一单元测试卷?一起来了解一下吧。


以下是 考 网为大家整理的关于人教版PEP小学四年级英语上册第一单元试卷的文章,供大家学习参考! 一、 听一听(略)。(10分)



1、A、computer B、classmate C classroom

2 A ball B fan C wall

3 A chair B bear C desk

4 A board B door C floor

5 A picture B light C window




( )1、A It’s OK. B It’s near the door. C Good idea!

( ) 2、A I can see 15 chairs. B 、I have 15 chairs. C 、 I can see 15 chair.

( ) 3、A My schoolbag is blue. B My schoolbag is in the desk. C Look! I have a schoolbag.

( ) 4 A No, I don’t. B Yes, it is. C No, thank you .

( ) 5 A You are right. B they are chairs and desks. C All right.





听力部分 (满分60分)

一、 Listen and choose. 听音,选择。每小题读两遍。(10分)

( ) 1. A. cat B. cake ( ) 2. A. rat B. rate

( ) 3. A. date B. dad ( ) 4. A. hat B. hate

( ) 5. A. make B. map ( ) 6. A. face B. fat

( ) 7. A. lack B. lake ( ) 8. A. bag B. bake

( ) 9. A. take B. tap ( )10. A. pat B. pate

二、 Listen and choose. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其字母序号填写在题前的括号里。每小题读两遍。(10分)

( )1. A. classroom B. bedroom C. bathroom

( )2. A. come B. computer C. crayon

( )3. A. wall B. walk C. window

( )4. A. light B. night C. nine

( )5. A. duck B. ball C. door

( )6. A. picture B. pupil C. pencil

( )7. A. four B. floor C. foot

( )8. A. teacher’s desk B. student’s desk C. many desks

( )9. A. Let me clean the classroom.

B. Let me clean the windows.

C. Let me clean the blackboard.

( )10. A. It’s in the teacher’s desk.

B. It’s under the teacher’s desk.

C. It’s near the teacher’s desk.

三、 Listen and choose.听录音内容,选择正确答案。





1、( ) Let’s go the library. A、Yes, I do.

2、( ) Where is the teacher’s office ? B、Yes, it is.

3、( ) Do you have lunch at school ?C、 Forty-six.

4、( ) How many desks are there in your class?D、OK.

5、( ) Is that your pencil ?E、It’s on the first floor.


Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground . In this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on the second floor. It’s big and clean. I like it.

()1、There are classrooms in my school.

A、thirty B、thirteen

()2、The playground is.


()3、The library is on thefloor.

A、first B、second

()4、My classroom is


()5、I my school.

A、don’t likeB、like


一.判断下列每组中的单词划线部分是否含有共同的元音音素,用 或 表示。



( )Amy: Hello ,Mike.

( )Mike: Really ? Let’s go and have a look .

( )Mike: Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng. Our new classmate.

( ) Zhang Peng : Where’s my seat?

( )Amy : Mike, we have a new classmate.

( )Mike: It’s near the door.

二、Look,read and match.看看,读一读并连一连。(6分)

1、beef 2、 window 3 、cake

A、窗户 B、蛋糕 C、牛肉

三、Choose the best answer .选择正确答案。(15分)

1、Turn ____the light ,please !

A、 under B、 on C、 in

2、We have ____new classroom.

A、the B、 an C、 a

3、We have five new ____.

A、 chair B、 chairs C、 chaires

4、 Let me ____the window.

A、 sweep B、 put up C、 clean

5、 What is this?

It is a ____.

A、 bee B、 egg C、 orange

四、Read and check .读句子,用“√”标出正确的句子。




1.()A. CcB. IiC. DdD. Vv

2.()A. FfB. KkC. YyD. Aa

3.()A. OoB. LlC. SsD. Nn

4.()A. HhB. QqC. UuD. Xx

5.()A. EeB. PpC. MmD. Rr


Miss White: Let’s clean the classroom. Please ( 擦黑板),

( 扫地) and ( 挂上图片).

Mike: Sarah! ( 请开门).

John: Amy! ( 请打开灯).

A. Please open the doorB. Please turn on the light

C. Sweep the floorD. Clean the board

E. Put up the picture


()1. Thismy classroom

A. amB. isC. areD. /

()2. —What’sthe classroom?

—A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

A. onB. inC. underD. near

()3. We have 6 new

A. lightB. lightsC. nightsD. night

()4.go and have a look.

A. Let’sB. LetC. let usD. let’s

()5. Amy: Where’s your seat?


A. It near the door.B. Let’s go and have a look!

C. It’s the door.D. It’s near the door.

()6. Mike:

Miss White: Thank you!

A. Let me clean board.B. Let’s me clean the board.

C. Let me clean the boardD. Let clean the board

()7. —Let’s clean the window. —

A. Yes.B. OK.C. Sorry.D. Excuse me.

()8. Where is the milk?you know?

A. DoB. doC. AreD. are

()9. Letclean the fish bowl.

A. myB. IC. meD. our

()10. Wherethe twenty desks?

A. beB. amC. isD. are


以上就是四年级上册英语第一单元测试卷的全部内容,1、 Chen Jie clean the board 2、 Mike clean the window 3、 Amy clean the chairs 4、 WuYIfan sweep the floor 5、 ZhangPeng clean the desks 2009-2010四年级英语上册第一单元测试题 听力材料 一、 听一听。
