
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-08-12

初三英文怎么说? .那么,初三英文怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


1.She was so careless that she left the book in the school.

2.Father's suggestions are very valuable to me.

3.Wearing blue clothes can make you clam down easily.

4.Yellow can remind you of warm,sunny days.

5.How beautiful this sweater looks on her body!

primary school翻译

1.还不能确定是否大多数人会喜欢药片形式的物品。It's doubt whether most people will like goods that is like medicine pills. 2.为了在一个更好的世界中生活,人类应该保护自然,保护环境。 In order to live a better life,people should protect nature and environment. 3.很多学生想知道我们是否可以搬到月球上去。 Many students want to know whether we can move to the moon. 4.店主告诉警察,昨天晚上一名男子来过店里。 The shop manager tells the police,a man came here yesterday evening. 5.我想这个周末我们不会有时间去旅游了。 I think we will have no time to go travelling this weekend. 6.我认为网上学校不会像我们学校这么严格。 I think online schools won't be strict with us like our school does. 7.我们都知道机器人可以为我们做很多事情。 We all know that robots can do many things for us. 8.你认为穿着如此重的鞋子会舒服吗? Do you think it will be comfortable to wear such heavy shoes? 9.我认为火星上的生活不会比地球上的生活更好。 I think life on the Mars will be no better than that on the earth. 10.我们班上百分之九十的学生考试及格了。 Ninty percent of students in our class pass the exam. 11.火星上的生活与地球上的生活完全不同。 The life on the Mars is eventually different from than that on the earth. 12.人类用激光来防御火星上的动物。 People use laser to prevent the animals on the Mars. 13.火星上的公共交通系统是特别设计的,不会污染空气。 The public transportation on the Mars is especially designed not to pollute the air. 14.这部电影很有趣,它让我们感觉身临其境。 The movie is interesting ,and it makes us to be personally on the scene. 15.我不知道他午饭前会不会回来。 I don't know whether he will come back before lunch. 好辛苦啊!给我分吧!


初中叫 junior high school
初一初二初三年级要写成初中1年级初中2年级 初中3年级..grade 1 grade 2 grade 3
那就是说..i am a junior high school student in grade 1 (我是一个初一的学生)





