打八折英语怎么说?答案是 twenty percent discount.off 与 discount 都可以表示折扣,但是一般不同时出现。以”打八折“为例 - 20% off - at 20% discount, 或是 discount of 20 也就是说一般出现的数字即是已经折扣掉的那部分。那么,打八折英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
例句:We didn't expect that the discount you offer would be so low.
八折:20% off
八五折:at 15% discount
九七折:discount three percent
七折:discount of 30%
九折:ten per cent off
六折:make an allowance of 40%
打八折:20% off. 意思是去掉20%,不就是打八折吗。英语说打几折都是这么说的。
80%发音:80 percent
免礼,打八折应该说at twenty percent discount,而不是at 80 percent discount.
discount折扣。作历者岁名词时,如:If you like it,I can give you 10% discount. (如果你喜欢它,我可以给你享受九折嫌培优惠)肢睁。如果discount 作动词用时,如:discount 20%: 打八折;或be discouned at20%打八折
以上就是打八折英语怎么说的全部内容,很负责地告诉你,discount最常用的搭配是big和small,而不是high和low。商场会写big discounts, huge discounts来吸引客户,各个商店则是写明具体的折扣。