
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-07-14

别碰我用英语怎么说?Touch me not: 别碰我 touch-me-not: 含羞草(不是“别碰我”);高傲的人;凤仙花;是“凤仙花”,而不是“别碰我”。 含羞草(不是“别碰我”)趣味英语:“表里不一”的英文短语 great cats 狮、虎、那么,别碰我用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。



Don't touch me.


提醒跑来跑去的小孩,不要碰到桌子:watch the table,kids~

不要碰到桌子”【因为怕弄脏桌子】:keep it away from the table!或者说 not the table 口语

怕弄脏我的衣服:back off!或者not so close 口语



1 Do not touch.&#哗7;Don't touch it.

2 Keep away from it.

3 Leave it alone.


do not touch me!


Don't touch me!


Please don't touch my wound.


Don't touch me!


If you don't love me, please don't touch me。


No loving me , no touching me .




祝你开心,dont touch me…开心每一天~


keep your hands off it

我在电影里经常听到keep your hands off me. 别碰我。



Touch me not: 别碰我

touch-me-not: 含羞草(不是“别碰我”);高傲的人;凤仙花;是“凤仙花”,而不是“别碰我”。 含羞草(不是“别碰我”)

趣味英语:“表里不一”的英文短语 ...great cats 狮、虎、豹等猫科动物(不是“巨大的猫”)touch-me-not 含羞草(不是“别碰我”)bad sailor 晕船(不是“坏水手”) ...


别碰我(don't push me)

Don't push me(别碰我)的英文歌词及中文意思



I'm a love ‘em and leave ‘em 我是那种 爱够便离

Touch and tease ‘em kinda girl 挑逗男生 的女孩

I'm the perfect type 我是一夜情

For one wild night 的理想人选

Yeah, I suffocate quick 对, 我快窒息死

Does that make me a *****? 我是不是很够贱?

I don't really care, no 我才不在乎

Well your roses were sweet 你送的玫瑰很香

Really swept me off my feet 真的使我一见倾心

But I start to choke 但当你说要私奔时

When you say let's elope 我差点呛死

Yeah, I suffocate quick 对, 我快要窒息

Does that make me a ***** 我是不是很够贱

I don't really care, no, no, no… 我才不在乎, 不, 不, 不


Don't push me so hard, don't push me so far 不要再逼我, 我受够了

Don't cage me in, don't tie me down 别关住我, 别困绑著我

Don't push me so hard, don't push me so far 不要再逼我, 我忍够了

Don't cage me in, don't tie me down 别关住我, 别困绑著我

(Verse 2)

Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh 让我们洗个泡泡浴, 把酒言欢

Enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past 享受我们所拥有的, 然后让它成为过去

‘Cause I don't give a damn 因为我不在乎

Maybe you're the perfect man 或者你是个完美的男士

That's not how this story goes 这个故事不该如此结局的

You can write me fat checks for the diamonds for my neck 为了我颈上的钻石, 你可以写我一张大支票

Buy a big fat ring I prefer Tiffany's 买一只大介指, 我喜欢Tiffany's

‘Cause I don't give a damn 因为我不在乎

Baby you're the perfect man 宝贝你是完美男士

That's not how this story goes 这个故事不该如此下场的

No, no…

(Chorus Repeats)

Don't push, push me so hard

Don't push me so far…no… (2x)

Don't push me, don't push me, don't push me, don't push me down

Don't cage me in…oh…

Don't push me – I don't wanna be tied down

Don't push me so hard, yeah, don't push me so far, no, no

Don't cage me in, come on, don't tie me down

以上就是别碰我用英语怎么说的全部内容,“不要碰我”用英语说是“Don't touch me”。我认为上面这句英语中最重要的词汇是touch,下面我带大家来了解一下touch的其他详细内容,希望对您有所帮助:一、单词音标 单词发音:英 [tʌtʃ] 美 [tʌtʃ]二、。
