江湖用英语怎么说?1、“江湖”的第一个意思是“江河湖泊”,英语可以译为rivers and lakes。例如:今年这个非洲国家由于大旱,一些江湖快干涸了。As there is a serious drought in this African country,some of its rivers and lakes have nearly dried up.2、“江湖”的第二个意思是“四方”“各地”或“到处”,那么,江湖用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
江湖:"bohemian" / "the underworld"
The Jiānghú (江湖; Cantonese: gong woo) world is the milieu, environment, or sub-community, often fictional, in which many Chinese classical wuxia stories are set. The term can be translated literally as "rivers and lakes". Metaphorically, however, it refers not to a physical place or geographic location but to the wild and romanticized domain of secret societies, gangs, fighters, entertainers, prostitutes, assassins, thieves, actors, beggars, and wanderers that is roughly the Chinese equivalent to the English terms "bohemian" and "the underworld". In many wuxia novels, the people who are not a part of the jianghu life may not even realize that the person sitting next to them in a tea house is a renowned assassin or that a normal seeming town is affiliated to a secret society behind the scenes.
The term originally started in Chinese literature in the more literal sense of "rivers and lakes" to denote an unsettled geographic area. In medieval China, outlaws often fled to the frontiers, returning only to prey upon the law-abiding world. The roots of jianghu wuxia (frontier heroes) go back at least as far as the 12th century novel Water Margin (水浒传), in which a band of noble outlaws retreated to a swampy hideout and mounted sorties in an attempt to right the wrongs of the corrupt officials. Over time, especially in the wuxia novel tradition, the term eventually took on the more metaphoric meaning.
In modern days, the term jianghu is frequently used to refer to the triads and the secret societies of gangsters. A 2004 movie entitled Jiang Hu starring Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung is about the gangster societies in Hong Kong.
Wulin (武林) is the fictional society of wuxia and a part of the broader Jianghu. The term literally translates to "Forest of fighters".
跳去: 定向, 搵嘢
江湖 [jiāng hú] (江和湖) rivers and lakes 短语 (旧时泛指四方各地) all corners of the country: 江湖 [jiāng hu] (旧时指各处流浪卖艺、 卖药等生活的人) itinerant entertainers, quacks, etc
考生答以“ brotherhood ”,被考官拒收,而考官提示的译法则为“underworld”。前者意为“兄弟会”,后者意为“地下社会”,差异不过在伯仲之间,但都难传中文“江湖”之神。 中国人的“江湖”,本指rivers andlakes ,如果考生径以此回答,也不能算错,但不全面。 “江湖”之水,源远流长,常起风波,引伸意义指旅途、人生坎坷。《庄子》的“相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖”,以鱼相喻,道尽人生危难相扶、为生存而劳雁分飞之痛。这里的“江湖”已有摆脱困境、各奔前程之意。鱼在江湖自由自在,而人在风波常起的江湖,引伸联想意境,已经有点难以言传了。 中国人现在经常所说的“江湖”,配上不同动词,就可以显现其含义指向。常搭配的动词之一是“闯江湖”,它不同于“闯关东”之类有确切的地域方向,而是指一种走向陌生的、常人不熟悉其规则的社会。“闯”字,体现主体的勇气和胆量。而“走江湖”则不同,说某人是“走江湖”的,是指他在缺乏规则和亲情、法律保护环境下的生存方式,过去演戏、说书、摆拳、杂技之类的职业人,都可以说是“走江湖”的。最近十几年来,上海下层流行一句俗语叫做“捣浆糊”,是不循规蹈矩“混”的意思。
江湖 [简明汉英词典]
all corners of the country
rivers and lakes
[rivers and lakes]∶河流湖泊
[all corners of the country]∶指四方各地
[itinerant entertainer and quack]∶旧时指四处流浪、靠卖艺、卖药等生活的人
[itinerant entertainers,quacks,etc.]∶四处流浪、卖艺、卖药
[live in seclusion]∶隐士居处
“江湖”英语怎么译?北大、清华、复旦、中山四大名校最近在香港面试入围考生,北大教授出了一个让考生为难的题目:把“江湖”译为英文。考生答以“brotherhood”,被考官拒收,而考官提示的译法则为“underworld”。前者意为“兄弟会”,后者意为“地下社会”,差异不过在伯仲之间,但都难传中文“江湖”之神。中国人的“江湖”,本指rivers and lakes,如果考生径以此回答,也不能算错,但不全面。“江湖”之水,源远流长,常起风波,引伸意义指旅途、人生坎坷。《庄子》的“相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖”,以鱼相喻,道尽人生危难相扶、为生存而劳雁分飞之痛。这里的“江湖”已有摆脱困境、各奔前程之意。鱼在江湖自由自在,而人在风波常起的江湖,引伸联想意境,已经有点难以言传了。中国人现在经常所说的“江湖”,配上不同动词,就可以显现其含义指向。常搭配的动词之一是“闯江湖”,它不同于“闯关东”之类有确切的地域方向,而是指一种走向陌生的、常人不熟悉其规则的社会。“闯”字,体现主体的勇气和胆量。而“走江湖”则不同,说某人是“走江湖”的,是指他在缺乏规则和亲情、法律保护环境下的生存方式,过去演戏、说书、摆拳、杂技之类的职业人,都可以说是“走江湖”的。
以上就是江湖用英语怎么说的全部内容,江湖 [jiāng hú] (江和湖) rivers and lakes 短语 (旧时泛指四方各地) all corners of the country: 江湖 [jiāng hu] (旧时指各处流浪卖艺、。