doggybag是什么意思?doggy bag 英[ˈdɔɡi bæɡ] 美[ˈdɔɡi bæɡ]n. 狗食袋(餐馆提供的食品袋,用于顾客带走未吃完的食物)[例句]Food in a doggy bag is like a free meal ticket.打包的食物就像免费餐卷。那么,doggybag是什么意思?一起来了解一下吧。
当您在餐馆吃完饭后,您会怎么处理剩下的食物呢?是将它们倒进泔水桶里还是找服务员拿一个doggy bag(打包带)打包带走呢?
顾名思义,doggy bag 本意指“装狗食的袋子”,也就是说,您可以把在餐馆吃剩的食物打包回家去喂狗。不过,日常生活中,食物到家后往往是进到了主人肚里,所谓的“带点狗食回家”仅是顾及面子的借口。而这正是“doggy bag”(打包袋)产生的渊源所在。
看下面这个句子:We had so much food left over from dinner at the restaurant last night that we took enough home in doggy bags to feed the whole family tonight.(昨晚我们在餐馆剩了好多菜,这些带回家的剩菜足够我们全家今天晚上再吃一顿了。)
值得一提的是,英文中还有一个词take-out 与“外带食物”有关,不过,大家千万别把这两者搞混淆了。Take-out 是在餐馆、外卖店买的还没开动的食物,而 doggy bag 则是你在餐馆用来装吃剩下食物的袋子。
Doggy这是字是dog,也就是"狗"这个字的形容词。Bag大家都知道是"口袋"的意思。Doggy bag连在一起是指饭馆里把客人吃剩的菜放在盒子里,然后把它们都放在一个纸口袋里让客人带回家的那种口袋。
1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.
2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.
3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.
4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
a bag for food that a customer did not eat at a restaurant; the transparent pretense is that the food is taken home to feed the customer's dog
doggy bag :因为美国人不好意思把在饭馆吃剩的菜带回家,怕有失面子.曾经有人对服务员说:"Waiter,could you please wrap up the rest of this steak for me I'd like to take it home for my dog." (请你把这块牛排包起来,我想带回家给我的狗吃.).doggy bag 这个名称现在成了日常用语.
doggy bag
[英][ˈdɔɡi bæɡ][美][ˈdɔɡi bæɡ]
Food in a doggy bag is like a free meal ticket.
doggy bag的中文意思:剩菜袋
1、One restaurant in India is bagging the idea of a traditional doggy bag.印度有家餐馆对传统打包袋颇有微词。
2、Also, don't ask for a to-go box or doggy bag.还有,饭后最好也别问主家要外卖盒或者打包袋。
3、Save the doggy bag for informal dining situations.把那些食物打包袋留到非正式的用餐场合下使用吧!
4、Jo: So there we have it – today's expression – doggy bag.好了,今天我们的地道英语就到这儿。要是。
5、More and more people now pack the left-overs in a doggy bag.现在越来越多的人把吃剩的饭菜打包。
6、I chide Zoella for not finishing her panino, and she promises to take it home in a doggy bag.我斥责佐拉没有吃完她的三明治,而她承诺她会打包回家。
以上就是doggybag是什么意思的全部内容,doggy bag的中文意思:剩菜袋 双语例句:1、One restaurant in India is bagging the idea of a traditional doggy bag.印度有家餐馆对传统打包袋颇有微词。2、Also, don't ask for a to-go box or doggy bag.还有,饭后最好也别问主家要外卖盒或者打包袋。3、。