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  • 学习英语
  • 2024-04-05

热点时事英语?1、Ever since I was a young child, I have had a passion for current events and world politics.在我还是一个年轻的孩子的时候,我就已经对当前时事和世界政治非常的感兴趣了。2、那么,热点时事英语?一起来了解一下吧。


I always pay attention to current affairs and hot topics



When the earthquake occurred in Japan, 130 kilometers northeast of Fukushima Prefecture, a huge tsunami was formed due to the earthquake, and it invaded the port at a very fast speed.

Hundreds of people died. The earthquake is the strongest in Japan in more than 100 years, causing huge losses.




海上:at sea;on the sea;seaborne。

海啸:bore;tidal wave;seismic sea wave;seaquake。


Hundreds of people have been killed in a massive earthquake in Japan that triggered a devastating tsunami. The quake -- the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years -- caused massive damage and many people are missing and feared dead.

The 8.9 magnitude quake struck Friday off Japan's eastern coast, and prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast. The Red Cross warned that the 10-meter high tidal wave could wash over some small islands entirely.

In Japan, the tsunami swept away boats, cars and hundreds of houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo.

The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires. All train and subway traffic in Tokyo has been stopped, and thousands of people there were unable to get back home.

Authorities ordered the evacuation of about 3,000 people from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant north of Tokyo. No radiation leaks were detected, but officials are concerned the reactor's core may overheat due to a system malfunction. A fire was also reported earlier in the turbine building of the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi.

Addressing the nation, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government would do everything it can to minimize the effects of the disaster. And in Washington, President Barack Obama said the United States is ready to help the people of Japan. The U.S. military in Japan has opened up the Yokota Air Base to some commercial flights diverted from Japanese airports.



英语 作文 的话题大多时候是社会上的热点,要不然,老师也不会特意让大家关注时事了。下面是我给大家整理的社会热点英语写作范文,供大家参阅!





What a scary and sensational scene it is! In the drawing, the driver, as drunken as a fiddler①, is driving fast on the road, with a large bottle of beer on the top of his car. What is conveyed by the picture has both realistic and alarming implications for each member of the country。

The profound meaning of the vivid drawing can be elaborated in terms of both awareness of security and social responsibility. For one thing, consciousness of safety should be one of our top priorities. Life is one-way journey: you cannot experience it twice. So life is to be respected and awed②. It is cruel to and inhumane to spell the end of any life, with a careless driving under the influence (DUI)③. For another, to act as a responsible member of the society, each of us should bear social responsibility. We do not live only for ourselves but also for those whom we love and who love us. It is irresponsible to claim either lives of drivers or lives of other victims are not important, leaving the families and relatives into deep grief and, may be, great living burden④。


I often pay attention to cureent events and and hot news.

以上就是热点时事英语的全部内容,英语 作文 的话题大多时候是社会上的 热点 ,要不然,老师也不会特意让大家关注时事了。下面是我给大家整理的社会热点 英语写作 范文 ,供大家参阅! 社会热点英语范文篇1:醉酒驾车与安全意识、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
